Welcome to my webzone. The name’s Crosstown Gate; I write stuff. Pardon the dust, this site is still a work in progress. Here is a list of my projects:

A rabbit on a pilgrimage; short stories and parables on the nature of violence and the search for wisdom.

A novella about a dark Knight, a beautiful Princess and the understanding between them.

Oneshots and other miscellaneous works. Also some poetry!
(Updates ????)

Latest Posts:

Pot of Bones

(excerpt from a half-remembered dream) Said the Stranger: “Here we are making the Stew of the Ideal World.” And as he spoke a parade of men emerged from the mist of the woods. They came in twos and threes, they came by the dozen, they came by the hundreds. I saw a Tsar in his…

Close Encounters of the Fey Kind

I was but a wee tot when I first watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Less than ten, I believe. I don’t remember much of that first viewing, and what I do remember has been jumbled up and confused with a lifetime of parody and homage. I don’t think I was much taken by…

Justice Sat Beneath the Tree of Fire

Justice sat beneath the Tree of Fire and contemplated existence. Each leaf upon the tree was living tissue paper, so thin and delicate that the merest concentration or focus of the sun’s rays was enough to conflagrate the wispy leaves, turning them to brilliant ash. Justice studied the leaves as they were caught in the…

Metatext and Playdead’s INSIDE

I recently played the 2016 video game INSIDE and, after finishing, immediately scoured the internet for answers. What I found was mostly disappointing. So here are my thoughts! WARNING: SPOILERS BELOW While I did discover a plethora of conjecture on the nature of the zombies, the world, the facility, the sirens, and so on, there…

When the moon fell to earth

When the moon fell to earth many were surprised to find it no bigger than a garbage truck. It rotated slowly over Manhattan, emitting a dull, ominous hum, occasionally pausing over Central Park, or Fifth Avenue, seemingly intent on touring the entire city. “This,” people agreed, “is just a little bit odd. We expected the…